Sunday, 4 May 2008

And to add to the joy ..........

Hi folks,
This morning (4th May) Dougie squeezed Sheenas' hand and repeated the trick for nurses and doctors!!
This was the first sign that he was coming out of the 'locked in' state that so worried us all and that was in contradiction to the lack of damage to the brain stem.
Tell you what, if the WRVS Cafe had sold champagne at breakfast time they'd have sold out this morning :-)

He has also started moving legs and feet on command and on his own.
However all this good news means that he has been descended upon by neurologists, physios and a multitude of specialists and, in consequence, is really tired out.
In oder to avoid interfering with the medical programe we have been asked to back off on visiting for at least a week to 10 days 'cause all the essential stuff is likely to exhaust him.
Regardless, it is all great news ...... well done Doug and keep up the good work.

Thanks to you all for your support and good wishes


Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news!!! Keep it up Dougie. But don't overdo it too. Luv ya loads, Ros.x

Anonymous said...

Iain and Sheena, that is the best news ever!!

Keep on fighting Dougie -we're all with you every step of the way!!

Loads of love and a BIG 'Dougie' style hug to you, Jules xxxx

Anonymous said...

Dougie (and you Iain and Sheena) - you are very much in our thoughts. I was stunned when Davey P and Jim Towlson passed on the news. Sarah and I are both absolutely fingers crossed for you Dougie.

Feek & Saz.

Unknown said...

Hey Barks.... everyone on the face of the planet that knows you is chanting the Barky mantra..... "Keep fightin fella!".
Anyway... Meesh, wee Isla, and everyone in Australia (no really... absolutely everyone) is rootin for ya bud... this is your hardest problem yet....8a for sure!
Hi to Sheena, Iain and the rest of the Barky clan too!
Later dudes - DP

AlbaRallysport said...

Barks, Dig deep man. This really is your most challenging crux to date but you can do it. We to are chanting the Barky Mantra everyday over here in Michigan. Tall Dave

derm said...

Dig deep and stay strong Dougie,
you are in my thoughts mate.
