Sunday, 11 May 2008

It's a slow process .........

Sheena and I have just been in to see Dougie.
The improvement in his lung condition continues although much more slowly than a couple of days ago. He continues to be weened off the ventilator but still has a way to go yet.
He had been worked pretty hard yesterday afternoon and evening and as a result he slept nearly all the time we were there. The lack of response was a bit disheartening but I guess its not surprising.
His gripping responses appear to be getting stronger.
All in all, a bit like the curates egg ..... good in parts.
Keep on fighting Doug.


derm said...

Stay strong guys, and thanks for the updates.

i am thinking of you dougie, keep on fighting mate.


Shwartzenigger said...


Reading that your being cheeky to the nurse and smiling about it lets me know that your fighting hard in the way that you do.....positive, strong and with a glint in your eye.

Your in our thought, your in good hands and your a survivor...

Shwartenigger and His Missus.

Duncan McCallum said...

Just heard the news from Colin McKee . Here in France the spring is warm and comforting after a long winter in the cold. Lets all hope the signs of spring keep showing in Dougie

lots of love from Dunc, Saskia, and the kids

Unknown said...

Hey Barx and associated chums et al,

just checking in to see how Barky is doing today...Stoked to hear that the improvement continues... full boona Barksta'

DP, Meesh and wee Isla

AlbaRallysport said...

Come on Barks. Keep pushing lad...
Someone wrote last week that half of Edinburgh is thinking of you. I think half the World is...Still routing for you here in the US of A

Dave A