Thursday, 17 July 2008

Back on the up again .....

Sorry for the long wait between posts but I wanted to wait to avoid 'false positives' so to speak.
Poor Douglas really had 4 days of absolute misery having pretty well convinced himself that he was 'never going to get out of here' in his own words. Nothing that anyone said or did seemed to convince him otherwise and he was really getting very desperate.

However by Wednesday morning he seemed to have recovered his spirits quite a bit, so much so that he was quite happy to go outside in the fresh air for around 45 minutes in his wheel chair and, with the aid of his talking valve, was able to converse quite a bit. Mind you he was pretty bushed after it all and slept for the remainder of the afternoon.
By the evening he was on pretty good form for his visitors and though his emotions were pretty near the surface he even managed to join in a joke or two.

To-day was equally good with an improvement in his speech and, it appeared to us, very much less in the way of 'suction' being needed. Mind you it must be an agonising experience having someone stick a tube down your throat and tickle to make you cough so any improvement is good. He managed a couple of hours on his talking valve which is really very good.

I can only hope that he stays as positive 'cause, apart from being better for him mentally, its also immensely better for his physical condition.
Thanks to all his friends who have visited and helped him through this tough spot. The real trick will be to keep his spirits up over time.



Anonymous said...

Hi Dougie,Sheena & Iain,
Wish we could do more to help during this difficult time. We are continue sending the vibes and France is now alight with candles lit all over the place. Dougie nothing stays bad for ever and you will revel in the simple pleasures once you get them back. Sending all our love and best wishes.

Annette & Steve.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dougie,

Glad to hear that you’re having some good days. You deserve them!! I plan to pop in the beginning of this week to see how you’re getting on. My chat will not be quite as entertaining as Matt’s, but as I still have not had a chance to tell you about how things went at the Blind School, entertaining or not, I have quite a bit to catch you up on. Also I’ll bring the pictures from my Orkney trip.

Stay positive and I’ll see you in a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dougie,

Really sorry to hear you're going through a tough time, it must be very hard and frustrating for you're getting better all the timeand probably doing it faster than ever deemed possible!! Such is your strength and energy.
Keep going Dougie.

Much love,

Rhea x

Anonymous said...

Dougie, my wonderful, handsome, inspirational friend! I'm totally in awe of everything you're achieving and yes you will have bad days but you're such a stubborn fighter that I know you'll get through them and see the other, sunny side. As always, my thoughts are with you and your lovely parents - hugs and love to you all. Will get those photos done for you and try and remember to bring in when I next come visit. Jules xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

G'day Dougie. Hi Sheena and Lain. It's Scott & Stacey Barr from OZ. Kay has given us the news about your condition and I just couldn't believe it. The Dougie in my mind is a monkey at the climbing GYM and a super fit cyclist. I just know that with the support you have around you mate that you'll be that again soon. Set your goals and achieve them and then move to the next goal. When are you coming back down under? Se ya soon.

Jim said...

hiya Barks,
you're still one of the most inspirational guys I know. I'm pretty crap on the ol' computer e-mail malarky, so it's been a wee while since I last left a message, but I've been thinkin' o' ye a' thi time.
There's nae danger yoor gonnae lit thi tough days stoap yoo fae gettin' stronger an' better.
It's great tae here yer gettin' visi-urs noo tae...I'll try tae get ma ugly mug roon tae see ye soon an-a'.
Arabest thi noo Barks, keep yer fine, chissled pecker up. Cheers bud,

Anonymous said...

Hi Dougie, Sheena & Iain,
Just wanted you all to know we are still thinking of you all and sending good vibes your way. I am sure we will see you soon.

Love & best wishes from Annette & Steve