Thursday, 11 September 2008

A truly wonderful week ............

Douglas seems to have turned another corner in the last five days and the result is really quite something to see !!!!
His mood has greatly improved and as a result he is much more receptive to physio and is very much more communicative and really very positive in his outlook. I find it quite hard to truly describe the change in him but, to give an example, this afternoon the physios fitted the smallest size trachy together with the talking valve and, much to their delight, he told them he wanted to give them a big hug and say thanks which he promptly did :-))
Rhea came in to see him shortly afterwards and he talked away great style with much hand gesturing and, although his words were not always easy to make out, the conversation flowed for around 45 minutes before he got a bit too tired.
Later on the Registrar (Dr. Murray) popped in to see him, having heard of the goings on, and he promptly held out his arms and gave her a hug, with hand signs to say thank you for all her work!!!
I think she was quite overcome to be truthfull.

He has also taking a much increased interest in his DVD library and has started to listen to music once again.

All of this is such a significant improvement that I'm almost afraid to believe it will still be true tomorrow ............ But despite this, to-day was the most wonderfull day for many months! Just to hear Dougs voice again and to see the animation in his responses was almost beyond description. Sheena and I were really quite lost for words - we haven't stopped grinning all evening!!

a real happy pappy


Anonymous said...

Fantastic news Dougie, i am really please you are keeping a positive face on everything going on. I am sure with practice and work your vocal chords will be grow stronger.

Well done for working through the hard times mate. keep up the good work and stay strong


Feek said...

Great! Just Great!

Kat's eye said...

fantastic, so happy to hear!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Dougie keep at it!


Anonymous said...

Oh my god - can't wait to come in and see you when i get back from my holiday in France - greaaaaaaaaaaat news my lovely friend!!!!! each day I've been walking I've been thinking about you all and wondering how you're doing - how much grief you're giving the nurses etc etc - so when i could finally log in (back into civilisation) it's just made my day!!! back tomorrow actually so will come in as soon as i can and bore you with my holiday stories and photos (me as drowned ratus!!).

Big Dougie style hugs to you,

Jules xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hey Barx,

Won't be long before we are chatting over the phone and you can give me heaps of abuse!
It must feel amazing to be able to express yourself in a normal way.. I am sure you can't wait to get back to normality, so super race well done for diggin deep chum.
I am also stoked to hear that you are a physio junkie and every session you do will be one step closer to walking out that door!

I am thinking of buying a kayak, so that I can explore the awesome ocean harbours around where I live. There is also a kayak store that hires them out nearby, so we can get you one when you come out and we can spend a couple of days paddling round some of the most gorgeous little islands in the clearest water that you will ever see(whilst being warm) . I know you will dig this place and can't wait to crack open some tinnies on the beach with the Barksta!

You have inspired me fella (as always ;o)

Meeshy is getting bigger now, as we are 16 weeks down the track for number 2. Can't wait for that either. Work has slowed down heaps, which is great as I have been working too much. She is not feeling too great at the moment, with morning sickness kicking in big time but she has started work at the local hospital doing a few half days here and there. She loves it and it gives her a chance to get out of the house and talk to grown up people.

Isla is doing really well and is a real wee chatterbox, just like her dad! She is gnarly and digs life... which is cool. Looking forward to taking her kayaking soon too.

I also gave the Raven's its first full service since I bought it.. that was 10 years But it needed it so I have no excuses.

As for me then I have lost about half a stone so far and running before work when I can squeeze it in.

Feek and Sarah are coming over to TAS in 3 weeks for a week's visit which will be excellent. Looking forward to seeing them very much.

OK... thats me for a wee while. It's 8:30, so better get ready for work!

Take it easy big fella!

You're a legend over here by the way! All my friends ask how you are doing and were thrilled when I told them of you chatting for 45 mins!

All the best


Mhairi said...

Wow oh wow Doug!

I am grinning like a Cheshire cat here in Australia. Be careful with the Dougie hugs - once word gets round the hospital you will have nurses, physios, - hell! Everyone, queuing out the door!

I have some stuff from Canada which I will email to your dad for you to look at re biking in Whistler. I know it may be a long way off, but life has a habit of turning up all sorts of amazing little surprises which are unexpected.

I will be beating a path to your door to bore you and your mum and dad - and anyone else who happens to meet me - about my trip, so you'd better start work on the legs so you can run away when you hear me coming!

Love and hugs
