Tuesday, 28 October 2008

12 days in and we're really motoring ...........

My .... what a difference :-)
Douglas is really getting stuck into the rehab process now and with around 1.5 hours physio and 3 hrs up in his chair every day the results are beginning to show! This is topped up with speech therapists and occupational therapists - all of which makes for a real busy day.
Unfortunately it can never be fast enough for Douglas!! However he does seem to have reached an equilibrium between desires and ability which allows him to say '... I was rubbish at that, but it is getting better'. Believe you me that is one tremendous stride forward and we are so proud of him for getting to this point.

He still waxes lyrical about coffee, curry and chips and now Lucas' ice cream sodas!! The moment of truth is getting closer ....... he is now having regular sips of coffee, albeit via a sponge stick, and is loving it. More swallow tests have still to come but things are looking good since he is now able to move his mouth much more (opening especially) and his tongue movement is also improving.
The downside is that we can't stop him talking now!!!! In fairness he has nearly six months of enforced silence to make up for - heaven only knows what that must have been like for him; to listen and not to be able to join in. Even more to have been unable to articulate the simple things like 'my head hurts' or I want to go to the toilet'; stuff that we all take so for granted in our own lives.
On the plus side, his speech is much clearer than it was only 10 days ago even though its still very guttural and quite tiring for him.

He is now able to slowly walk 20 to 30 paces using a zimmer frame and with a bit of balance support from physios although general muscular strength in the torso means it is hard for him to keep an upright stance. This is however improving the more he has to do it. He is also working on the left/right co-ordination, but in his own words 'I'm ruuubish at that ...' Please note that 'ruuubish' must be said al la Elmer Fudd (I hate wabbits) to be truly effective!
We are currently working on a more acceptable version of 'I must get my arse in gear!!'. Mainly because, right now, volume control is almost impossible for him and the sound of 'get my arse in gear' echoing through the corridors is a mite discombubilating :-))

Thank you all for your visits ............ they really mean a very great deal to Dougie and really bring him to life.



Anonymous said...

sorry its been so so long since my last comment. Been keeping up to date on your progree though Dougie, as ever thankyou Iain (it was a real pleasure to meet you Sheena at last.)

I am really pleased to hear that Lucas is still a firm favourite though I a sure what you really miss is Cream O'Galloway since we did agree that was the superior ice-cream (!!), no matter, Lucas is closer admittedly. Can't be long until a trip there is due.

I'm looking forward to coming up at christmas and seeing you again. Probably for a beer!! Curry and chips, you'll have to do with someone else if you've not already got that abominable craving out of your system by then!!

Since I saw you last I have started my music course (which I'm loving) and have preformed Superstition, recorded Summertime (for a possible demo) and 'freestyled' in a pub!! Also been an Absinth fairy, for halloween, all weekend and got into allsorts of delicious trouble!

Taking up too much space here but wanted to send you a quick message somehow and not sure where else to do it.

Thinking of you Dougie.

Much love to you all.


Unknown said...

Hey Barx, Sheena and Iain,

Missing you guys a lot at the moment and I wish I could be there to share in your successes Barx. Iain & Sheena... can I just say once again that the time you guys take to update the Barky Blog is SO important to us here in OZ.

Although we had high 20's the other day, it has dropped back to high teens so we are all freezing. Meesh is dying for summer to arrive and the hot weather to fully kick in... although I am not sure that she will be saying that at the end of summer when she is about to drop.

Meesh is getting really preggers now and she hates it :o)
Isla is mega cute and starting to point to Meeshy's tummy and say "baby"... unfortunately for me, she also points to my tummy and says "baby" too.. which is disturbing... gotta loose even more weight.

We are looking to move house shortly and its gonna be great to have a garden and hopefully live right next to the ocean... great for hot days and for launching the sea kayak I have my eye on ;o)

Great news about Obama.... Australia is rejoicing with the rest of the world.

My bro was out recently and it was great to see him and Sarah looking so well and relaxed. The wee tot calls her aunt and uncle, Farah and Teeth.. which is cute. I am sure that these names will probably stay forever.

Meesh say that nothing ever happens in her life at the moment and that she has nothing to contribute... poor wee thing.. but she is the BEST mum any wee tot could ever ask for and is great at having fun with Isla. Meesh has quite a few buddies she hangs out with over here, and has an intense wee tot schedule during the week, and I try hard to give her some time off at the weekend.

Anyway.. I am fat and need to sleep so gonna sign off now but we all miss you guys super tonnes.

We are both SO proud of our K9 buddy and all the progress and hope that we can chat soon with you Barx, and that you have managed to escape the the Ains' for a while and had some fun.

Love you all heaps.

Over and out.

Dave, Meesh and Isla

AlbaRallysport said...

Hey guys.

I too have been slack in the comments department although I've been following progress and it looks promising. Not surprising, with Dougies raw determination.

Like Meesh, Tammy's bump is growing...the race is on, right Dave?! 3 months to go.

The weather here is oddly warm for Michigan in November. It'll cool down soon enough and we'll be in sub arctic temperatures and 10ft of snow as usual.

Mum is coming over for Christmas this year and says hi. She's always asking about you. "Has Dougie had a haircut yet?" she'll ask! Mothers...good grief

We're already planning Christmas 2009...(yes 2009!) to Scotland. It'll be 2 years since we've been there. I can't wait.

Hi to Dave P, Meesh, Isla, Neely, Vic and all...

Dave & Tammy