Wednesday, 1 October 2008

The improvement continues ........

Over the last 10 days Douglas has continued to improve.
Most significantly his mood has really lightened and become much more positive and, with the removal of his trachy, his speech is getting better. He still has a lot of work to do in getting throat muscles and jaw movement to improve but there are definite positive signs (sticking his tongue out and blowing raspberries!!).
The swallow tests, which included a wee camera up the nose to look at the throat movement, went OK and showed that his vocal chords are in good order, all of which bodes well for swallowing. He just needs to get back to doing the swallow more frequently and this means more practice.

His sense of humor is still all there and it's wonderful to see him have a good belly laugh on occasion!!
He (and we) are eagerly awaiting the Astley Ainslie evaluation team (expected this week and possibly even to-day) which will give us a moving date we hope. Dougs consultant really wants to see him moving on to intensive rehab and is pushing hard on his behalf.

Although he's still not comfortable usng any form of keyboard, his writing is getting better (a relative term!!) and he asked me to say a very big thank you to everyone for their best wishes and words of encouragement :-))

I'll post more on rehab as soon as we get info.

Iain & Doug


Anonymous said...

Doug, fantastic news on the last 10 days improvement, keep up the good work.

perhaps a cold bottle of budvar might help you to practice the swallowing? if it does, it is surely my round!

i hope the move to the astley ainsley is soon, a wee change of scenery will do you some good mate, there is some great mellow parts to those grounds to do a bit of late autumn sun bathing, and i can pop in on my way home with that Budvar!

stay strong mate


Unknown said...

ah... budvar... now your talking Derm... actually how about it Barx?

I am most impressed Mr. Sparky with your continued improvement. I know we all look forward to the next installment of your rehab... its awesome to here about (and imagine).
Can't wait until you and I can trade expletives over email/MSN or chat on the phone when you can't sleep!
Lots to talk about.

I had a great conversation with Jimbo who keeps me up to date with your progress. He was SOOOOO FRICKIN (sorry Sheena) excited about his last visit.
He said he ran through the hospital after he had finished with you, just so he could explode and jump around outside all full on and stuff!!!!
That's just how much you mean to us pal!

Things here are cool. Looking forward to feeksta and saz dropping by on wednesday... cool !

Meesh has had a recurrence of the sickyness with wee tot No.2 and is feeling all under the weather and stuff. But wee Isla soon distracts her with her good/bad behaviour :o)

looking forward to summer here... the nights have been getting later and been out running in the mornings which is nice.

Miss your company though pal... wish we could do an Xbox sesh, or a bike/climb. I guess it will be all the sweeter when we can.

Sheena and Iain... you must be soooo stoked with the progress of your wee bairn, and must have such a spring in your steps... you both deserve it (being such groovy/funky/dedicated parentals)... good on ya both and love and hugs from Team Shering.

Barks... you are still due a bootin though, so dinnae think yer gettin away with it that easily. i am sending towlson in to gie you it... after he passed on your swift batterings that you dished out to me last time he saw ya :O)

Anyway... supposed to be working but its more fun chatting to you guys.

Love to one and all.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dougie

Just wanted to repeat how great it was to see you all yesterday.

Really fab to see you have improved so much and awesome that we could talk and joke with you at last. Even with your new "husky" voice it was clear your sense of humour has not changed too much!

Big hugs all round

reuben, april and willow

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news!! I'll be in on Saturday so you can tell me all about it Dougie - SOOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing you and hearing you natter away...don't you dare be asleep this time you hear!! Iain & Sheena, hope you're up for that lunch date on Saturday as well - let me know if it's possible.

All my love, Jules xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Dougie,

Magnificent!! It made my day to read about all your progress. I look forward to reading the blog telling that you’re bags are packed and you’re on your way to Astley Ainslie-which from the sound of it should be soon. My fingers are crossed for you.

I read you’re planning a trip to Canada…how about a wee visit to Nevis… get some color in that pale Scottish completion of yours!

Keep up the hard work and keep looking forward,


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I shared the same room with Douglas from 26-30th September and told him I would keep in touch by searching for this blog. He has an eye for the ladies and had a good laugh over Lhara and a trainee doctor. Ca you tell him im asking for him and will continue to keep an eye on his progress in the blog.

Kindest Regards
