Saturday, 8 November 2008

A bit of a setback ...............

Hi folks,
It's me again with a rambling update.
Doug has really been doing pretty well since his move to the Astley although, by his lights, his performance has all been a bit 'wubbish' and progress has been too slow.
There have been so many little improvements which, I can understand, count for little in his book, given his ambition.
I guess the underlying improvement has been in his acceptance of just how much has changed and therefore how much must be rebuilt and, ultimately, just how much of this has got to come from him and his efforts (although possibly the latter has not yet formed into any sort of cohesive plan).
To us, the most obvious indicator is that he has been talking about what will happen at Christmas time ..... I'll (Iain) drive to Dundee, Mhairi and Kirsty will do the food and we'll have a whale of a time!!! And then of course there's Heike and Nicks' wedding .................
And he'll have to find some way to earn a living and pay the bills cause .............
Oh, and for those in the know - he's had a rather fetching haircut!! All the long curls at the back have gone and although he's still got his sideburns, thet're quite a bit shorter. Sorry, but he refuses to let me post any piks!!

All this would have been unthinkable only a month ago!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, on Thursday 6th his eye appointment was canceled at the very last minute and this really upset him a very great deal. He had been setting great store on getting the stitch out and having the use of his left eye again and the cancellation knocked him way back.
As a result he has become un-cooperative and has been refusing feed and medication and is insisting that folk should just forget about him and get on with their lives 'cause he's useless'.
I suspect many of you may have had a call from him saying not to bother coming in to see him.
Please remember, this is not really Douglas talking ....... it's all being driven by feelings of helplessness and a lack of conviction that things will ever get better.
We have decided to give him space to work his way out of this depression and would ask you to do the same please, at least for a few days.

He does have a replacement eye appointment at the Eye Hospital on Monday 10th, but whether or not he'll agree to go along remains to be seen. We can only hope ............ We can also only hope that the outcome is good from his point of view.

I shall do my best to keep you all up to date.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello my lovelies (Dougie, Iain and Sheena) - it's Jules!

Not sure if the op went ahead yesterday but have been thinking about you all since i spoke with you on Saturday Iain and willing it to happen!!

Dougie, hey - don't you want to see me for my inane chat?? I know I talk nonsense so let me know when you're feeling up for the next installment! Missing you, oh, and hope you liked the pants!

Talk soon my wonderfful friend,

Jules xxxxxx