Friday, 30 January 2009

Chickens, Eggs and the like ..........

Just to show that not so good things can still happen ...........
No sooner had I posted the last update than poor Doug caught a bit of a chest infection and is now on a weeks antibiotic course.
Poor fellah now has a really husky voice and a rather sore throat which, given his dodgy left vocal chord, means talking is a bit of a struggle coupled to a bit of a cough. To top it off he has developed a bit of a temperature. So, from having his drugs cut recently, he is now back to paracetamol plus .....
The view of the nurses is that he has been lucky not to have caught anything in the 3 months he has been at the Astley ............. We are not so pragmatic I'm afraid!!

We still plan for a day at home to-morrow (Saturday) but we'll see what the day brings.

Surprisingly he seemed quite chipper this afternoon although it has to be said he was not his usual talkative self.

Hey ho .................



Anonymous said...

Hello Douglas!
This is Sandra Graham from RHS. Not sure how to do this blog thing exactly - but here goes!

I popped into the cycle coop a couple of days ago for a wee browse, and i asked if you were around. It was only then that i heard what happened.

One of your colleagues told me about the blog. So - I just wanted to say hello, and let you know I'm thinking about you.

I'm back in the UK for a couple of months - so would be nice to hear how you're doing. I'll follow the blog....
I hope you get over this recent infection you've caught quickly and get back on the road to recovery.
Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

hello!!! just back from a fantastic time in the alps - Sam & Lyndsey's hospitality was second to none!!

Sorry to hear you've been poorly Dougie - hope you're feeling tip top again now. Need to chat soon about all the wedding arrangements - looking forward to it!

Hugs to you all, Jules xxx