Wednesday 7 May 2008

Hi folks, this is the latest update on Dougie posted by his dad on the Facebook group ....

He appears to be holding his own and even progressing a bit in the last couple of days. His ability to grip with both hands, move feet and legs and respond to commands seems to be getting stronger which is absolutely great. He is still suffering from a persistent chest infection that is proving difficult to clear but the clinical signs were good enough that the Docs did not believe it necessary to do further inter-cranial pressure checks.

He remains on the critical list but progress does appear to be slowly upwards. We find it so difficult to accept the slow rate of progress despite having been well warned of this. His medical team are absolutely wonderful and what with that and the good wishes of all you folks ... he's a lucky lad really.

Visiting ... a further quite period whilst they assess their plan of campaign so I'm afraid it'll have to be good vibes in the meantime.


kirsten and simon said...

Hiya Dougie,

Special K and myself are sending you all the strengh we possess (and you know how tough Kirsten is)and an equal amount of love to go with it. We wish we could be there, but we look forward to seeing you when we return to bonny Scotland in 2009. It's great to hear you're taking the challenge head on - not that we'd expect anything less from you :-)

kirsten and simon said...

Just two tigers now - Simon and Kirsten. Talk again soon mate, we're thinking of you constantly.

Unknown said...

Just seeing how you are today fella...Go Barx!!!