Saturday 10 May 2008

Remarkable improvement!

Reposting Iain's entry from Facebook...
There has been some further improvement in Dougs condition in that he seems to be starting to get over his chest infection. This has always been a worry but there seems to have been a 'remarkable' improvement in the last 24 hours so at last the anti-biotic seems to be having an effect.He is also being weened off the ventilator and, so far, is tolerating it well. His physical responses appear undiminished ... very encouraging!It looks like the 'quiet' approach is beginning to pay off, but we'd like to continue with it for another 4 to 5 days yet to give as much chance for him to beat the chest infection as possible.I really do appreciate all your participation in this .... ; we'll be much happier, as will he, when he's fully off the ventilator and feeling comfortable.Many thanks for all your good wishes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dougie - great to hear you are able to stick yer tongue out! :-)

Sarah and I are totally rooting for you.

Be good - we'll be in Edinburgh in June for the Moonwalk, so I hope we can visit you then!
